The Searle Equation Application determines the speed of the pedestrian as a result of being struck by a vehicle (the approximate vehicle impact velocity) based on the pedestrian’s throw distance and take off angle. If the vehicle and pedestrian weights are known, the application will determine the velocity utilizing Searle’s new equation as well as his original equation.
In each set of calculations the high and low value produced by the Searle equation will be determined as well as the value based on the entered take off angle.
The take off angle may be adjusted through the use of a slider to identify the sensitivity of the take off angle to the calculations.
Scrolling down on the main screen will display the math to the calculations completed in a line-by-line or step-by-step fashion. The results and the calculations may be emailed, allowing them to be copied and pasted into any word processing program.
There is a second screen displaying Searle’s various equations in an algebraic format.